Undoubtedly, the largest shift in this new life is that our homes are at the centre of all we do; transforming from the place we simply return to at night to rest and recharge, into a classroom, office, gym, and place of recreation and relaxation all rolled into one.

This monumental shift in the way we live our lives means that we have had to maximise the use of every available space in our home. Once unused corners are being transformed into meditation retreats, home office areas are being refreshed and revitalised to boost productivity and outdoor spaces are being revamped to make the most of our space and give us a feeling of comfort and control over our lives.

Whether you’re attempting to create a more zen atmosphere throughout your home, increase the functionality of rarely used nooks, or looking to build a new home, here are some of the top ways to transform your home to suit the new world we are living in.

Create peaceful places

Homes have never been as full as they are now; bustling with children learning from home and work meetings taking place online in the living room. Because of this, it’s never been more important to have calming spaces to retreat to. Whether it be a small sunroom repurposed into a relaxation space or a spare room turned library; spaces furnished with muted colours and curved shapes are soothing.

One way to create this feeling of serenity is through the use of Gyprock. Whether it be a subtle curve added to a bulkhead, new rounded panelling, coffers, or cornices; Gyprock used in creative and innovative ways can turn ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones, entirely transforming the vibe of a room. See how Gyprock can help you take your space from simple to stunning and help you unwind, here.

Bring a sense of quiet to your home

Studies have shown the importance of separating our work and living spaces. Apart from being reminiscent of that old feeling of leaving the house to go to work, having delineated living and workspaces helps you get into, and stay in, “the zone”, increasing your productivity. Unfortunately, as well-appointed as your workspace may be, sometimes even the smallest of sounds can penetrate your fortresses of solitude and disrupt your flow.

A cost-effective and simple solution to this is factoring acoustic insulation into the revamp of your home office. When used to upgrade internal walls and installed between floors in your home, acoustic insulation drastically minimises noise transfer between where you are homeschooling, working out of your home office, watching a movie, or getting lost in a good book. With specifically engineered high-density acoustic insulation, loud noise is reduced to a whisper, ensuring peace and quiet throughout your home.

Another huge source of noise in today’s homes can come from the home gym, with heavy weights being dropped or the loud, echoing footfalls of a high-intensity cardio workout resounding throughout the house. The right flooring can make a huge difference to this sort of disruption. With no squeak or bounce and flex associated with traditional particleboard flooring, Hebel’s PowerFloor is the ideal base for any floor covering and drastically minimises noise transference between floors, making it the perfect investment in a peaceful home.

3. Make the most out of your home’s zones

Now that our homes serve to function as innumerable spaces; an office in the morning, a school in the afternoon, a gym in the evenings, and a relaxation space come weekends, the finite zones of our homes now have to work double-time and be as flexible as possible.

In response to this, European and Japanese design trends have seen privacy become paramount with dividers and strategically placed panels allowing more than one person to occupy a single space while still remaining separate. A more permanent solution to this is the tweaking of the layout of your home by installing new walls, creating separate work and play spaces to give everyone in your home the space they need. Sound resistance and durability are of the utmost importance in these newly created spaces, so tougher and sound resistant walls are the ideal solution for modern living.

Peter Hyatt
Jimmy & Tam, The Block 2020

4. Elevate your outdoor areas with brick

Never before have functional and beautiful outdoor areas been so important to our homes. While natural elements are becoming prominent inclusions inside new homes; such as skylights flooding rooms with sunlight, good cross ventilation, and air filtration, and even internal courtyards, the benefits of nature in our living spaces can’t be understated.

For those who are lucky enough to have some outdoor space in their existing home, now is the time to make the most out of the area. And the humble brick can be the perfect building block to improving the value of your property; creating new and exciting features and garden “rooms” in your outdoor space.

From building a fire pit or pizza oven to fashioning winding brick paths or new garden edges, the right bricks can transform your yard in a matter of days. Low maintenance, made from natural products, and available in a range of colours and textures to suit any home or style, the humble brick will stand the test of time. Read more about DIY projects using brick here.

Sarah & George, The Block 2020
Tallebudgera House, Cedar & Suede

5. Capitalise on the sunshine

Spending more time at home than we ever have before means more lights on, the internet being used constantly, and technology plugged into powerpoints; in short, being home more equals higher power bills. When taking time to consider the products we use for building and renovating our homes, it is vital we consider both our carbon footprint, as well as our back pockets.

Good solar roofing solutions combine solar expertise while offering a roof that is beautiful, seamlessly integrating with your roofline, giving you the benefits of solar while maximising your home’s street appeal and, of course, delivering you long term savings on your power bills.

  • Building
  • Decorating
  • Expert opinion
  • Renovating